Superčlánek týdne


Tento článek by neměl zapadnou, proto ho uvádím zvlášť

Ve sdělovacích prostředcích často slýcháme, že ukazatel XY se změnil, protože se změnila poptávka. Tento článek ukazuje, že poptávka sama o sobě se nemůže jen tak zenit, že poptávka je již výsledek. Uvádím proto i citát. Doporučuji však přečíst celý článek.


„We suggest that there is no such thing as an independent category called demand. Before an individual can exercise demand for goods and services, he/she must produce some other useful goods and services. Once these goods and services are produced, individuals can exercise their demand for the goods they desire. This is achieved by exchanging things that were produced for money, which in turn can be exchanged for goods that are desired. Note that money serves here as the medium of exchange — it produces absolutely nothing. It permits the exchange of something for something. Any policy that results in monetary pumping leads to an exchange of nothing for something. This amounts to a weakening of the pool of real wealth — and hence to reduced prospects for the expansion of this pool.

What is required to boost the economic growth — the production of real wealth — is to remove all the factors that undermine the wealth generation process. One of the major negative factors that undermine the real wealth generation is loose monetary policy of the central bank, which boosts demand without the prior production of wealth. (Once the loopholes for the money creation out of “thin air” are closed off the diversion of wealth from wealth generators towards non-productive bubble activities is arrested. This leaves more real funding in the hands of wealth generators — permitting them to strengthen the process of wealth generation (i.e., permitting them to grow the economy).“



  1. Copter napsal:

    Ono je dobré si uvědomit, že je to tak záměrně. Kdo opravdu vládne je také vidět z toho která měna nejméně influje a kdo podává ruku jako první.

    Neví někdo přes jaký instrument obchodovat Tantal ????

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