Článek týdne – FED svolává na pondělí mimořádné zasedání

Tohle ze zpráva týdne – Fed svolává na pondělí mimořádné zasedání

Advanced Notice of a Meeting under Expedited Procedures

It is anticipated that the closed meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at 11:30 AM on Monday, April 11, 2016, will be held under expedited procedures, as set forth in section 26lb.7 of the Board’s Rules Regarding Public Observation of Meetings, at the Board’s offices at 20th Street and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. The following items of official Board business are tentatively scheduled to be considered at that meeting.

Meeting Date: Monday, April 11, 2016

Matter(s) Considered
1. Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks.

A final announcement of matters considered under expedited procedures will be available in the Board’s Freedom of Information and Public Affairs Offices and on the Board’s Web site following the closed meeting.

For more information please contact: Michelle Smith, Director, or Dave Skidmore, Assistant to the Board, Office of Board Members at 202-452-2955.

Supplementary Information: You may contact the Board’s Web site at https://www.federalreserve.gov for an electronic announcement about applications and other expedited items, as well as procedural and other information about the meeting.

Dated: April 7, 2016



  1. Ives napsal:

    Co to může znamenat? Mám nějaké opce na zlato…

  2. arpad napsal:

    teraz ide len o to, či sadzby tak slávnostne v decembri zdvihnuté o závratných 0,25% náhodou neprestrelili a nezačnú ich rýchle znižovať. Zdá sa, že daňové subjekty buď dane platiť nechcú (napr. apple radšej drží zisky v zahraničí, aby ich nemuseli zdaniť), alebo sú v strate (frakovací biznis ako celok). US vláda asi nemá ani na platenie takých vysokých úrokov zo 16 trilion dolárového dlhu. Teraz zo mňa hovorí proruský troll.
    Sadzby sa budú rýchlejšie zvyšovať, lebo US ekonomika rastie a s ňou aj inflačné riziká. Teraz zo mňa hovorí mainsteamový analytik.

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