Zlato a stříbro – několik citátů


Na závěr série citátů jsem si schoval dva autory – jednoho známého a druhého pohybujícího se na hranici (i)legality.


Nouriel Roubini je jeden z mála předpovídajících bankovní krizi. Ohledně zlata ho však nemám za experta.

  • He denigrated gold in December 2009, when the price was $1125. He mocked those who said gold was going to $1500 and later to $2000, claiming they were speaking nonsense. Instead, he spoke nonsense.
  • He has consistently believed that the Gold price would stay down from deflation forces. He has been consistently wrong. He does not understand the monetary effect on gold.
  • He has consistently believed that gold bulls had it all wrong expecting a global financial crisis. Instead, Roubini has been wrong all along as the crisis mushrooms to touch all bond markets and all nations.
  • He has a stupid perspective toward Gold, believing its price can rise only from two factors, price inflation and systemic financial crisis. He dismisses the price inflation threat, relying on the ignorant plank of excess capacity in glut with weak final demand, along with slack in the labor market. He did not foresee the global financial crisis.
  • He is ignorant of monetary inflation effects on anything and everything, like most practicing mainstream economists.
  • Last, least, and lunatic, Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman calls the gold rush a total marketing scam. We call the Nobel parade of prizes purchased by the Syndicate an intellectual scam, which includes Obama and his peace prize during a comprehensive narcotics war.


Martin Armstrong je analytik pracujcí s řadou dlouhodobých cyklů s různou periodou. Upozorňuji, že sám beru jeho názory s rezervou, připadají mi místy až moc radikální

  • Gold will continue to rise and make astronomical highs through year 2020.
  • Eventually the USDollar as we know it will disappear as a currency.
  • He forecasts a Gold high in August of $1700 to $1730 per ounce.
  • He warns that if Gold hurtles to $2000 this summer, then to expect a long correction lasting until February 2012.
  • He had consistently forewarned (for a year) that the June 2011 timeframe would register a Gold low and a Silver low before a magnificent run in the next three or four years. He was correct, and his work gained more attention justifiably.

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